如何讓SQL Profiler 顯示Trigger 執行內容?

剛好有需要打開SQL Profiler 顯示Trigger 執行內容, 但打開SQL Profiler 執行之後, 卻沒有顯示Trigger 內容?

查了許久, 還發現必須要注意的地方, 那就是:

在SQL 2000下, 打開SP:StmtCompleted 事件追蹤.
在SQL 2005下, 打開SP:Completed 事件追蹤

This is one of those cases where SQL Server behavior differs between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Sever 2005. Sorry for not clarifying this fact. Trigger execution fires SP:Completed event only on SQL Server 2005. On SQL Server 2000 your only option is SP:StmtCompleted.

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